Friday, 31 October 2014

A Week in the Life - Weds & Thurs

Hello again for another Week in the Life post.
Sharing my day 3 & 4 collages.

Trying Granola for breakfast
Taking my daily meds with my first cuppa of the day
Boys away to holiday club
Driving to work / parking up

Another lunchtime gym session
Quick dash to supermarket
Fire drill at work
Horrible wet drive to see mum in Broomfield
Evening snuggles with Bruno

Arrival of Scottish chums!
Tasty indian meal out
Making spooky cookies for retreat on Fri
Ellie's pumpking carving
A last hour to bed

I'm away now to Stoke-by-Nayland for the ATDML Autumn retreat ready to teach three classes.
Back soon.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

A Week in the Life - day two

Tuesday offerings for my Week in the Life

Another healthy breakfast (granola/yoghurt and berries)
Struggled to get up though
Car selfies on way to kids club
Starbucks Chai latte treat (well it is pay day)
Subway for lunch (should have had the salad but yum!)
Shopping/banking/chores done
Another day in the office preparing for valuations next week
Autumn leaves filled car park at work
Autumn leave hedgehog art and star reward chart at kids club
Hungry Bruno & Roxy when we returned home
Busy Tuesday evening with running club for Rob
Petrol refill of the car (and snacks where I resisted chocolate and bought satsumas!)
TV after dinner (#Flash and Autumnwatch)
Bedtime kisses
Relaxing hot bath!

Wondering what today will bring and if mum will let me photograph her when we visit later - I may have to be super sneaky! Need a photo of Miss Ellie that's for sure!!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

A Week in the Life - Day one review

Well I snapped away all day on my phone yesterday as part of A Week in the life (Ali Edwards class) - wish I had taken them with my camera to be honest but with the size I am planning on printing my photos I think my camera phone will suffice. Also means I get to share faster on Instagram and Facebook!

Monday morning cup of tea in my Matt Cardle Letters Tour mug
Rob (10) making his breakfast
My baked omlettes (first attempt & tasty as!)
Spot of lippy and I'm good to go
Boys dropped at kids club (half term)
Drive to work
Day in the office (LBE - Civic Centre)
Gym classes at lunch (circuits and abs)
Gorgeously warm autumnal day
Left over homemade tutkey & veg curry for lunch
Pick up kids and purchase pumpkins
Fred the Hamster fed treats
Colour indexed my stains ahead of retreat
Finalised retreat class layout
Jamie (7) camped out alongside my bed
Early night to finish my book.

Day two (today) will be shared tomorrow. Hope you are having fun if you're joining in. I have yet to decide how I will record these but I am thinking a standard layout with my fave(s) photos and journaling and day reference with an accompanying project life style page. Might make a start this weekend whilst away with the ATDML girls!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

From under my rock

Crawling out from under my blogger rock not realising how long it had been. Sure with social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram and I do hang out on Pinterest a fair bit I appear to have left my blog behind. Alas I think I might have missed it and so on tthe eve of an online activity with Ali Edwards to "document a week in the life" and with November's Art Every Day approaching I think it's time to type away my ramblings again. Of courseDDecember will bring about the return of Timmy the Elf and his festive antics andthen with have a new year with all its good intentions. Add a few Throwback Thursday posts, sharing of my scrapbooking projects for my crop Enfield ScrapMates and for theAATDML design team gallery and  I've reallreall no excuse to stay silent!

See you tomorrow (even if I'm typing to myself!)