Sunday, 3 February 2019

Filming 1 second every day

A couple of years ago my daughter Ellie filmed one second every day which ended up with a short 6 minute ish synopsis of her year and it was fabulous!  I meant to do it the year after but life was too manic with a new job and a commute on the cards to contend with at the start of the year and I didn't want to set myself up to fail.

But having chatted through with Ellie over the Christmas holidays just gone she was suggesting she had missed doing in for 2018 and would perhaps do another in 2019. I looked in the Android App store and found the App "1 second everyday" and downloaded it and committed to joining her (as I had some technology that would simplify the editing for me and could even set reminders on should I need to!)

I am too impatient to wait a whole year however to see how it looks so whilst I will do that at the end of 2019 - I want to do a month in review as well - so here is my January 2019 in just over 30 seconds....Enjoy! (and yes Sundays = rugby!)

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