Tuesday, 7 January 2014

January Photography Scavenger Hunt with ATMDL

Why not make 2014 the year you take more photographs! I have for the last two years taken part in a photo a day challenge. I didn't manage every day the first year but in 2013 I did and you saw the other day a sample of those photos, all taken on with the camera on my phone. This year, with my new compact camera and a desire to scrapbook in a project life style format, I am planning on taking even more. To assist others like me and provide a bit of a focus for what to take photos of each month I write the monthly photography promptsover on the Created-by-ATDML blog. Why not pop over and join in with January? There are just seven prompts to kickstart your camera clicking this month

January photo prompts
1. Celebration
2. Sales/New Purchases
3. Resolutions/aims
4. Footwear/Footsteps
5. Something you've made
6. Self Portrait
7. Winter Chill

I look forward to sharing more photos with you as the months go by.

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